Spaced Out

January 15, 2005

A Quick Update

Alexander : Lost in Translation

The weekends just flew by. Saturday was fun, had some amazing encounters. Went to my cousin's place (Mulund), saw this relatively censored and shortened version of the film 'Alexander'...eeesh just couldn't connect to it at all. Felt as if the director had purposely styled it so. The movie never took off, was really disappointed. I should admit that somewhere at somepoint I started comparing it with Troy, hence the effect just drained off!

Duplicacy : Go the Wal Mart way

The movie was followed by a tour to a shopping mall, which resembled Wal Mart (hear say, I have never experienced / seen Wal Mart). Sources say, that it was almost a look alike of the 'original'. I surely was impressed, not for its sheer structure and size but the numerous customers who shopped there. A perfect sample for any user survey. Atitudes, were just a class apart. Indians in particular I believe have this desire in them to inspect each and everything they purchase. Guess the trust factor in them is 'dead' >> Psychographics eh!!!

It was amazing to see people dressed in their best (probably that's my perspective, I suppose I was shabbily dressed) when they shop. They converse mostly in our adopted mother tongue and carry a sense of pride while enjoying their shopping experience. Does it always work this way ? Unfortunately I'm unable to post the snaps that I caught in my mind while I was there. My eye is just not that good enough I presume.

It's all about templates

Once shopped, they move out to the nearest eating stall (Pizza Hut / Mc Donalds) and feed their sacred stomach and those of their loved ones. The young ones carry a real loud voice, just enough to grab the attention of those sitting in the adjacent tables. The world works in a very systematic manner. Most of them are purely templates. It has to happen, just for the pure reason of it.

Saviour of the Day

Just as I was getting pissed with most of things happening around me, my cousin made the most decent decision. It was a perfect telepathy, the most eternal thing to happen to me at that moment. He stopped at a nearby liquor shop and proudly announced, "Lets drink it out tonight". Picture perfect, I thought. The day ended rather quietly with a few sips and talks on relationships.

Sluggish Sunday

Slept till my eyes could no longer bear it. Water scarcity in amchi mumbai!!! Washed more than a dozen of my soiled clothes which changed the colour of my palms from 'skin to pink'. It gave me a sense of discipline. It's tough to put in the word 'discipline' cause the word has different meaning for different people, infact that's so for every word. The thought or should I say the desire to possess a digi-cam once again crossed my mind. Only the eternal force knows, when the moment will arrive. I'm longing to possess it. I sometimes feel that I'm materialistic.

My 'wants' are getting converted to 'needs'. Is this a universal phenomena?


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